Who We Are
About Us
The Danny Fund is a 100% volunteer-run, Westchester-based, 501(c)(3) charitable organization, dedicated to helping families who have a child with a catastrophic illness or injury.
Danny is now an adult and the proud father of two healthy daughters.
Danny’s Story
On December 10, 1992, four-year-old Danny of Pelham, NY was diagnosed with a rare and, at that time, fatal form of leukemia. Memorial Sloan Kettering was one of only three institutions, worldwide, offering an experimental treatment.
Even though Danny’s family was relatively new to the Pelham community, the town immediately organized to help them in ways big and small. Within a short time, Pelham Civics organized a blood drive where over 100 people donated blood and platelets.
Over the ensuing weeks and months, the community raised funds to cover the family’s mounting medical bills and other associated expenses such as tolls, hospital parking, and phone bills.
The Junior League organized Pelham’s largest-ever white-elephant sale.
The Knights of Columbus held Pelham’s first-ever snowball game.
Students and teachers organized various sales, volleyball tournaments and concerts.
The Girl Scouts provided their special brand of TLC by recording books on cassettes, so Danny would never be bored.
Pelham’s houses of worship held an interfaith service to uplift hearts and unite the community in prayer for Danny’s recovery.
Not to be left out, Pelham officials were dunked for Danny at Pelham events.
These efforts were not just successful fundraisers, they also raised spirit, pride and compassion by rallying Pelham and neighboring communities around a shared cause. Most important, every action, whether big or small, brought incredible joy to Danny’s family. Their darkest days were brightened by the knowledge that they were not fighting their battle alone.
By the time Danny was old enough to enter kindergarten at Colonial School, he was in remission and ready to get back to being a kid again. Danny continued to thrive throughout his time in Pelham and is, today, the proud father of two healthy daughters.
With the clear impact fresh in their minds, the small group of organizers determined to continue their efforts. If they could help one family in a meaningful way, why not others? They formalized the endeavor and The Danny Fund was officially born.